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Very Berry Elixir
Blueberries for Anti-oxidant, cherries for joint lubrication and coconut milk which is rich in lauric acid. You can use frozen berries if you don’t have fresh.
½ cup organic blueberries, fresh or frozen
4 or 5 fresh or frozen cherries
2 frozen or fresh organic strawberries (optional)
½ cup coconut milk
1 tsp. raw honey
In a small saucepan over medium heat combine the blueberries and cherries. When berries have broken down and can be mashed, begin to mash them with a potato masher. Add coconut milk, warm for a minute or two. Do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Using an emersion blender, blend until liquid. Pour into glass and stir in honey.
Yum! You thought chocolate milk was good, watch out taste buds!
Roasted Root Vegetables
Sesame Seed Cashews
Vibrant Black
Rice Bowl
Grilled Eggplant
Omega Packed
Protein Bars
Heirloom Carrots
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